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Structure of the Dissertation Proposal

Matthew906 08-Feb-2019

    A dissertation is the most crucial scholarly written document of your entire academic career. Student studying in master’s or PhD program are well aware of the importance of their dissertation. A dissertation opens up doors of many opportunities for professional career. Also it is the key to achieve the master’s or doctoral degree. On the other hand as fascinating it sounds, writing a dissertation is exactly opposite and one of the most difficult task.

    A dissertation is definitely a lengthy project which restrict the students to produce 100% genuine content with his research. Writing a thirty thousand words dissertation is definitely not an easy task including the chapters, data collection, data analyzing and many other steps it include. A dissertation make the direct contribution to knowledge by introducing any new aspect of information about the research problem. Therefore, a single lacking may get your dissertation towards failure.

Dissertation Proposal: A proposal is the summary or miniature of the original dissertation research work. A proposal introduces the research problem or hypothesis. It incorporates all the research details and planning about the dissertation. A proposal is presented to dissertation supervisor to get assurance for initiating research work on the defined topic or not. A proposal is the mini sample of your dissertation to attract your supervisor and state the objects, significance and limitation of the research problem.

    A dissertation proposal is required by the student one semester prior to original research work starts. However, there are several students who fail to understand the basic writing format of dissertation proposal.

Structure of the Dissertation Proposal

    Don’t you worry! This blog is your ultimate guide for writing a dissertation proposal including the significant chapter every standard dissertation proposal has;

  1. Introduction: Introduction is the first section of dissertation proposal. The topic, research question or hypothesis of the dissertation is described in-depth in introduction. It helps to provide the background and relevant information about the topic to the readers. The research aims and objectives, limitation and significance are also mentioned in the dissertation proposal.
  2. Literature Review: Having a topic supported by previous literature or research work fascinates the supervisors. Also it makes your dissertation easy in terms of data collection, researching and data analyzing. Literature review includes reviewing the previous literature and highlighting the loopholes in them. Also a literature review helps to cover the previous loopholes in the previous literatures research works and resolve them in current dissertation.  
  3. Research Methodology: Research methodology is the most important factor that capture your supervisor’s attention. IT helps to analyze the potential and command of the students on his topic. A research methodology may either be qualitative, quantitative or mix approach. It helps to analyze the research problem on the basis of statistical or perceptional features. The tools are also explained in the proposal by the research including questionnaire, survey, observations, focus group, interviews, document screening etc.
  4. Conclusion: Conclusion is basically not analyzing or calculating the data to prove the hypothesis. Rather at first it concludes all the section. In the second part it deals with data findings or the results after data analyzing. IN the third part it clearly states either the research hypothesis is confirmed positive or negative.
  5. References: References are the backbone of any research work. They illustrate that the literature help that have been taken for writing the proposal is original and supported by existing literature or research work. It is not assumed or self-made. References includes the link of sources from the data have been collected.

    A dissertation requires proper planning prior to execution. As dissertation include several steps, chapter and once a research start writing he may face several hurdle in dissertation path. Therefore, it is important to ensure that dissertation is properly plan prior to execution and thorough guidance or assistance concerned from the supervisor. To understand the necessary step to complete a dissertation, student may take Dissertation Help UK to assist them in every chapter or topic further.

Updated 07-Sep-2019
I am a professional academic tutor with good years of teaching experience. Now I provide Academic Help to students that have difficulty with coursework help, assignment writing, dissertation, and research.

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